It’s Time for Testimony Service 🙌🏽
Here’s what my clients have to say about my products, programs, and coaching.
” I am currently 24 weeks pregnant with a baby girl and she is beautiful”
I just wanted to let you know that your channel has helped me tremendously. You helped me get closer to God and trust God when it comes to my fertility journey and believe God for blessings even in the mist of my loss. I am so ecstatic to let you know that I am currently 24 weeks pregnant with a baby girl and she is beautiful and everything is going great and I just wanted to give God all of the glory and praise and also thank you for all of the work that you do to inspire so many women. Thank you so much
YouTube Subscriber
Thanks for checking in … whew girl, I’m doing the workout plan. I did week 2 hiit leg’s yesterday… whoa! My bootie is feeling it today. I’m loving the plan, thank you for creating it!
Fitness for Fertility Guide
What I think helped the most was the faith challenge to get me back into the word, then the 21 day meal plan. I truly believe that got my body ready for pregnancy. I also listened when you said not relying on opks and look for cervical mucus.
Healthy Fertility Course
Our conversation gave me the courage and strength I needed to pick the sword back up. I did get ovulation strips and noticed I barely have cervix mucus while ovulating this week. So, I am now more aware and in tune what’s going on with my body. When you’re aware you learn what needs to be attacked in the spiritual realm and physically!
Fertility Strategy Call
Perfect read for TTC journey!!! Take you through each phase, give perfect scripture, and even journal topics to help keep you focused and help you with your journey!! Perfect little book!! (:
Daily Devotional for Fertility
I have yet to finish the course but so far there are two things I was in desperate need of knowing and changing that helped so much (1) understanding the negativity that comes long standing battles with infertility and how to replace negative thoughts with one’s that agree with God, and (2) intentionally identifying and addressing fertility fears and barriers.
Healthy Fertility Course
Hello! I hope this reaches you! I recently found your podcast, website, fb group all the things. I printed out the free nutrition guide that you have available for fertility! I started praying more and reading my bible and I’m so excited to say that after 13months of ttc I finally got 3 positive tests. Thank you so much for your positivity and word!
Fertile Faith Podcast
Hi Avi you can add one more. I am in the Facebook mentorship group and just found that I am pregnant. We are keeping it hush as we just found out. Thank you so much for allowing God to use you in this way to minister to women such as myself. You are such a blessing to the kingdom.
Fertility Mindset Mentorship
Unlock Your Fertility Blessings
Learn more about my faith-based approach to fertility coaching.