Pregnancy After Miscarriage | How to Have Faith Over Fear!

Last Updated on October 13, 2023 by Avi Steen
You’ve landed on this page, which means you’ve probably walked a tough road on your journey to motherhood. You might be feeling a whirlwind of emotions – from hope to fear, excitement to anxiety – all rolled into one big ball of confusion. And that’s okay because today, we’re going to dive deep into the rollercoaster ride that is pregnancy after miscarriage.
It’s like when you drop your ice cream on a scorching summer day, and just when you thought the day was ruined, you miraculously find a dollar bill in your pocket.
We’re going to explore the chances of that sunshine breaking through your clouds, provide you with all the encouragement you need, and arm you with some survival tips to navigate this emotional maze.
Pregnancy after loss is definitely difficult. So, grab my virtual hand, and let’s walk this path together. We’re about to embark on a journey of hope, healing, and the possibility of holding your healthy baby in your arms once again.
Pregnancy After Loss – My Story
I know there are a lot of women who, first of all, have had miscarriages like myself. 1 in 8 women experience a miscarriage.
Personally, I’ve had two miscarriages, a chemical, as well as a blighted ovum that lasted 40+ days in 2018.
I have had one successful pregnancy since, my rainbow baby Ava. And I’m actually pregnant again and have been asked about this topic multiple times on my YouTube recently.
Miscarriage Overview
Miscarriage, also known as early pregnancy loss, is a topic close to the hearts of many. It encompasses a range of experiences, from the more common early pregnancy loss to the less frequent but equally important occurrences like molar pregnancies and recurrent pregnancy loss.
Reasons You Need to Know About Early Pregnancy Loss
Let’s get right to the heart of it. Why do you need to know about early pregnancy loss?
It’s a question that might have crossed your mind, especially if you’ve experienced the pain of not one but two or more miscarriages. Well, here are a few reasons:
- Emotional Healing: Understanding early pregnancy loss can be a key part of your emotional recovery. It’s like tending to the wounds of your heart, helping you process grief and find the strength to move forward.
- Physical Health: Knowing the ins and outs of early pregnancy loss is essential for your physical well-being. It can equip you with the knowledge to take better care of your body, ensuring a healthier foundation for future pregnancies.
- Prevention: Knowledge is power, and when it comes to early pregnancy loss, it can empower you to make informed choices and potentially reduce the risk of recurrence.
- Support: Being well-versed in this topic allows you to connect with others who have faced similar challenges. It’s like finding your tribe, a network of understanding and support.
Now, you might be wondering, “How can I navigate this emotional rollercoaster and prioritize my physical health for a successful next pregnancy?”
Well, that’s where my approach comes in.
We’ll dive into emotional health and how it plays a pivotal role in preparing you for a journey to a healthy pregnancy.
So, grab your notebook, and let’s uncover the secrets to a brighter, more hopeful future.
Emotional Health for a Successful Next Pregnancy
Overcoming Fear
I just wanted to make this post to encourage women who are afraid of pregnancy after miscarriage or who are currently pregnant and have that fear of miscarriage in the back of their minds.
Thoughts happen!
Related Video: Pregnant after Miscarriage

It’s hard to control thoughts but controlling what happens after the thought dictates how the thought will make you feel. We sometimes let the enemy get the best of us.
But we have to cast the enemy out of our lives and thoughts. Specifically out of our minds because it is the gateway to everything else.

Jesus said “Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are?” (Matthew 6:26)
They don’t have to learn to depend on God, they just do.
Without worries, without thought, and that’s how we should live our lives as well. Knowing that He will provide us with everything that we need.
Pregnancy after miscarriage: He Has a PLAN!
No need to worry sis because he has already set in place for you and your future children a plan. He has a plan and perfect will for our lives (Jeremiah 29:11)
Don’t think about tomorrow sis because tomorrow ain’t thinking about you!
Today is the time to live in the present. Live in what God has planned for you today.
He has a plan for you tomorrow but we don’t need to worry about what’s going to happen tomorrow we need to stick with what’s going to happen today. Specifically, what we can do today to better our lives and possibly contribute to bettering someone else’s.
Related Post: Bible Verses to Help You Get Through a Miscarriage
Conquering Doubt
During this pregnancy, this current pregnancy don’t think about what’s going to happen tomorrow…
Or what’s going to happen next?!

What I learned is to just put ALL my trust in God because He has a plan and however many days he has planned for this child to live, that is how many days this child will live.
Although my heart and soul longs for this to be a healthy pregnancy and I’m praying and believing that this will be a healthy pregnancy at the end of the day it’s all in God’s hands!
So When Should I Announce A Pregnancy After Loss?
Totally up to you and your spouse sis. But I want to encourage you to make the decision out of faith and not fear.
Having faith over fear is simply a shift in mindset.
If you were to announce as soon as you found out, what would happen compared to announcing in the 2nd trimester?
Would your family support you less? Probably not.

I’m actually really happy I decided to announce my second pregnancy early in the first trimester because I didn’t do so with my first miscarriage and felt SO ALONE.
There’s no need to put that burden on yourself. Pregnancy is truly an exciting time to be cherished and shared. Especially pregnancy after miscarriage. You’re going to need that support sis!
Tips to Survive Being Pregnant after a Miscarriage
- Switch to a faith over fear mindset.
- Read the bible concerning faith and God’s Provision
- Pray over your womb and your current pregnancy
- Seek support from those closest to you
- OWN today and walk in your purpose
Related Posts: The BEST Fertility Prayer

Prayer for Pregnancy After Miscarriage
Sis, my prayer for you is this:
I pray that God’s will be done over your life and the life of your children. That He embraces you with His everlasting love and you feel the warmth of His presence knowing that He will provide for you. I pray that God sends positive thoughts and scriptures to your mind daily to help you cope with a new pregnancy and allow his scripture to pierce through your heart.
My hopes for you are that your miscarriage doesn’t leave you with a broken heart but instead places a patch where brokenness was felt. I pray that God allows your heart to open and fill more with love for more children including the one you are currently carrying.
Sis, I pray that as you journey through a new pregnancy you stop to touch your belly every once a while and Thank God for the tiny blessing he is harvesting inside of you. Sis, you are fearfully and wonderfully made and definitely made for this, so walk in your purpose and walk in your truth. You are strong enough to endure this process with God by your side. Amen
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Octavia Steen is an NBDA certified fertility doula, health coach, certified fitness nutrition specialist, aspiring missionary with the COGIC, and owner of Mother Mindset. She helps future and current mamas become more consistent in faith + fitness and grow closer to God so they can create a healthier lifestyle from the inside out!
Thank you SO much for writing this. Your words of hope with scripture are just what my worried soul needs. Bless you.
God bless you sis! I pray that you find peace during this difficult time!
Thank you for your post and encouragement! We are praying and trusting God for our healthy rainbow baby soon.
Thank you for this. I have truly been trying to surrender to God with this pregnancy and not let my fear of another miscarriage replace Joy. These words are exactly what I needed to hear.
Thank you so much! I’m moved and changed from this post! ….Going to do my best to replace fear with faith!! God bless you and your family 🙏🏾