How Do I Study The Bible As A Busy Mother? (Tips You Need To Know!)

bible study tips for busy moms

Last Updated on March 20, 2023 by Avi Steen

As a busy mom, finding the time to study the Bible can be difficult. With all of the demands on our time, it can feel impossible to carve out a few minutes each day to spend with God.

But as we all know, making time for spiritual growth and renewal is important. Here are some tips for making bible studies easier and more accessible for busy moms.  

Bible Study Tips for Busy Moms

bible study tips for busy moms

Have A Designated Bible Study Area 

Find a cozy spot in your home where you can read your Bible without interruption.

I know… Easier said than done.

But having a space to call your own and where you designate for your time with God can be a mental boost for you.

As you walk through your house throughout the day, you’ll see that spot to sit and think of the Lord. (which is a form of time with Him, ya know!)

This spot could be your bedroom, the living room, or even a special corner of the kitchen. Wherever it is, make sure that it is comfortable and welcoming so that you look forward to spending time there each day.

If possible, leave your Bible study tools in this area to help remind you to spend time reading.

Study With Your Children 

If you have young kids at home, consider creating a special space where they can join you in bible study.

You can use child-friendly studies and tools such as coloring books or interactive games that teach them about scripture while they play. For example, when I’m writing in my prayer journal, I give them their own blank journals with colored pencils to write their own prayer requests.

When kids see their parents actively studying and reading bible studies, they will be encouraged to do the same! 

Here are a few kid-friendly faith tools my toddlers love:

  1. Devotional for Kids

  2. Superbook (free bible studies)

  3. ABCs of the Bible

  4. Bible Coloring and Stickers

Study Alongside Your Children 

When your children are occupied with other activities like playing or coloring, take advantage of this free time by reading your scriptures while they are occupied nearby.

You don’t need to do extensive Bible reading plans. Instead, focus on a free bible study, one book or passage at a time, and take notes as you go along.

This way, when your kids ask questions about the story or what you are reading, you’ll have answers ready for them!

A Proverb A Day

Keep your faith fresh throughout the day by memorizing one proverb each morning before work or school starts. Before starting your day, take five minutes just for yourself and meditate on scripture from God’s word.

This will help keep Him close throughout the day, even when life gets busy as a mom! 

Listen To The Bible

Listen to your favorite translation while cooking dinner or running errands in the car. This is an easy way to sneak in spiritual nourishment without wasting valuable family time! 

woman and baby sitting on white sofa

Before You Start in God’s Word

Know Things Will Change

As a mom, things constantly change, especially as your children grow older.

This also rings true with your Bible study time!

It’s important to remember that your style of studying the Bible may vary from day-to-day, week-to-week, or month-to-month.

That’s okay! The great and encouraging thing is that no matter what season of life you are in, you can always carve out time to spend with God and His Word.

So take it day by day, set aside some special moments for Bible study, do a group study, and let the Lord lead your path!

Give Yourself Grace

Next, give yourself some grace! You’re not expected to know everything or do it perfectly.

Start with a few scriptures little by little and gradually increase as you get more comfortable studying God’s word. And if you ever feel overwhelmed, pray for His guidance and trust that He is always there!

Remember: spending time in His Word is an act of worship, and your faith will be strengthened as you take time to grow in His grace.

God Knows Your Heart

Lastly, God knows your heart. If you miss a day but you’re reading this article, He knows how hungry you are for His word.

He knows your intentions and sees how much you love Him. So don’t feel guilty if you can’t read every day or if things keep getting in the way. If you’re feeling like an overwhelmed mom, just know He understands. He’s here to walk with you each step of the way.

Making time for spiritual growth and digging deeper doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Just follow these simple tips for integrating bible study into everyday life!

Even if all you have is five minutes here and there, those moments add up over time and could be all the difference, which will help keep your faith strong amidst everyday chaos. Especially in your parenting journey.

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