
How many weeks pregnant are you at implantation?

Last Updated on September 24, 2023 by Avi Steen

Implantation is when an embryo implants into the uterine lining and embeds itself deep to grow and develop into a baby. This happens approximately 6-10 days after an egg is released during ovulation. Some women feel and experience implantation symptoms including cramping, bleeding and more but how many weeks pregnant are you at implantation when this occurs?

How many weeks pregnant are you at implantation?

The number of weeks pregnant you are at implantation is based upon your individual cycle. The best way to determine how many weeks pregnant you are at implantation is to count the number of weeks from the first day of your last period. A common misconception is that a woman’s cycle is always 28 days which is not true. In the case of a 28 cycle, at implantation, you are most likely in your fourth week of pregnancy with week one being your last menstrual period.

But say, you have longer cycles? A longer cycle would therefore extend the amount of time between your menstrual and ovulation compared to the textbook 28-day cycle.

So again, the best way to determine how many weeks pregnant you are at implantation is to count the number of weeks from the first day of your last period.

Do you count pregnancy weeks from conception or implantation?

Neither. You count pregnancy weeks from the first day of your last period. The start of a cycle is when your body starts the process of preparing for a potential pregnancy. During your menstrual cycle your uterine lining sheds (through bleeding) to prepare your uterus for the cycle ahead.

Your body then starts to go through the follicular stage where your eggs start to mature and develop. After one egg matures it’s release during ovulation and has a small window of 12-48 hours to become fertilized by sperm.

After fertilization, your egg will travel through the fallopian tubes to the uterus and implant. If fertilization and/or implantation does not occur, then the cycle starts over again with menstruation.

What are the signs of successful implantation?

Some signs of successful implantation and early pregnancy symptoms include:

  1. Headache
  2. Tired
  3. Hungry
  4. Acne
  5. stomach twinges (different from cramps)
  6. Sore Breasts
  7. Indigestion (burping)
  8. Frequent Urination
  9. Constipation
  10. Bloating
  11. Itchy scalp
  12. Exhaustion
  13. Implantation Dip on BBT Chart
  14. Back Pain
  15. Cramps
  16. BFP (big fat positive pregnant test)
  17. Chills
  18. Metallic taste
  19. Pink spotting
  20. Eye Twitching
  21. Thirst
  22. Nausea
  23. Sensitivity to odors
  24. Vivid dreams
  25. Missed Period

Have you experienced any of these symptoms in your two week wait? How many weeks pregnant are you?!

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